This year, Purim is unusual because of COVID and because it falls out on a Friday. There are a number of accommodations we make for this, so please read carefully through the following list.
Matanot La’Evyonim
You can make your donation a number of ways:
- Donate through the website
- Donate the money (cash or check) on or before Purim at the Shul.
If you cannot do either of the above, make a pledge for Matanot La’evyonim by email or by phone to 781-223-1471 (do not leave your pledge on the synagogue voice mail) and then send in your donation. Mark it as “Matanot La’Evyonim” or “Purim Charity”.
Your pledges and online donations must be received by the Rabbi no later than 10:00 pm on Thursday, February 25th. Donations in person my be received up until 8:30 am on Friday, February 26th. Please do not wait until the last minute to donate or pledge by email or postal mail, because you risk missing the deadline.
Machatzit HaShekel
The giving of Machatzit Hashekel is fulfilled by donating $1.50. The practice of purchasing the three half dollars is customary. Bring $1.50 when you come to Shul. If you want to purchase the three half dollar coins, hand sanitizer will be available to do so. Otherwise just put $1.50 into the collection plate.
Purim Schedule
Ta’anit Esther
Purim Night
- 06:20 pm – First Megillah reading
- There will be no break fast in Shul
- 07:45 pm – Second Megillah reading – for people who usually don’t attend services due to COVID concerns, and feel more comfortable with greater than the minimum recommended distance from other family groups (if you usually attend services, we ask you to attend the first reading, to minimize the number of people at the second reading)
Purim Day
- 06:40 am – Shacharit
- 07:40 am – First Megillah reading
- 09:15 am – Second Megillah reading – for people who usually don’t attend services due to COVID concerns, and feel more comfortable with greater than the minimum recommended distance from other family groups (if you usually attend services, we ask you to attend the first reading, to minimize the number of people at the second reading)
- 11:57 am – Chatzot (Halachic Midday)
Megillah Reading
The clear majority of Halachic authorities do not consider Halachically adequate a Megillah reading heard over the phone or online.
We will have two readings by day and by night to facilitate proper distancing.
If you are unable to attend, please contact the Rabbi or Matthew.
Regular COVID restrictions apply – anyone who is ill or has had a COVID exposure must remain in isolation and may not come to shul. To fulfill the Mitzvah, they should have a kosher, hand-written Megillah in hand from which they read audibly, either on their own or assisted by a reading heard electronically.
Mishloach Manot
Everyone is obligated to give mishloach manot this year.
The RCA put out in its guidelines for Purim:
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advise that cooking or preparing food and delivering it to someone, with a mask and proper social distancing, is a very low-risk activity. When delivering or receiving Mishloach Manot, visit and greet guests outside the home and leave the package on the front porch or outside the apartment door.”
If you can’t get out of your house, ask someone else deliver it for you.
You can fulfill your obligation with as little as ONE gift of TWO different food items to one other person.
Seudat Purim
According to the letter of the law the Purim seudah may be eaten any time on Friday. However, Halacha advocates that our Purim seudah should take place earlier in the day in order to ensure that we have an appetite to eat the Friday night Shabbat meal.
We should wash for Hamotzi before Chatzot, halachic midday, which will be at 11:57 am. If you miss that time, you should wash before the beginning of the tenth halachic hour of the day, which is at 2:44 pm.
Without a communal meal this year we must make sure that we fulfill this obligation although it will be a busy day for the other mitzvot of the day and getting ready for Shabbat.