Save the Date – Sium

Purim Seudah 5779

Thursday, March 21, 2019
Join us for a festive Purim Seudah featuring a costume contest, and live music. Plus Kid Zone and the ever-popular Moon Bounce.


When: 5:30pm
Where: 10 Dexter St, Malden, MA
Cost: $10 kids (ages 3-12), $20 adults, $60 family max

Yes, I’m Coming

Tu B’Shevat Seder 5779 (UPDATE)

Update: The event time has changed from 10am to 5:30pm.

Sunday, January 20th, 5:30pm
Join us for a Pizza Dinner and a Tu B’Shevat Seder.

RSVP by Thursday, January 17th.

$10 / adult
$5 / child (age 3-12)
$30 / family max

Yes, I’m Coming

Annual Chanukah Bash 5779

Wednesday, December 5th, 6pm
Join us for our Annual Chanukah Bash, featuring breakfast for dinner and a balloon tower race!

RSVP by Monday, December 3rd.

$12 / adult
$6 / child (age 3-12)
$36 / family max

Yes, I’m Coming

Morning of Learning – Cooked to Perfection: A Discussion of Bishul Akum

Thursday, November 22, 2018 at 9am
We invite you to a Morning of Learning in the beit midrash with Rabbi Azriel Blumberg, Rabbinic Coordinator for the KVH.

Topic: Cooked to Perfection: A Discussion of the Laws of Bishul Akum

Breakfast will be served!