Passover 5781

Rabbi Rabinowitz is available to arrange for this important contract following weekday morning and evening services, or by appointment. If you are unable to come in person you can use the form linked below or call the Rabbi to make arrangements.

All the forms on a single page for Passover. On this page, you can:

  • Sell your chametz
  • Contribute to Ma’ot Chitin
  • Download the Halacha Guidebook and Product Supplement (coming soon)

Get Ready for Pesach

Matanot L’Evyonim 5781

On Purim day, men and women are obligated in the mitzvah of Matanot L’Evyonim (charity to the poor).

The minimum requirement here is to give a gift of money to two poor people, each one receiving his own gift.

The poor must receive the money on Purim day. You can do this yourself or through a messenger to whom you can give the money to before Purim and the messenger will deliver the charity to the poor on Purim day. To facilitate this mitzvah for our congregation, Rabbi Rabinowitz will make sure that the funds are distributed on Purim day.

(Matanot L’Evyonim should not be confused with Ma’ot Chitin, the Passover charity fund for the needy.)

There are a number of options to make your donation:

  • You can donate through the website (be sure to indicate “Matanot L’evyonim”).
  • You can send in your donation by mail in time to arrive before Purim (mark your donation as “Matanot L’evyonim” or “Purim Charity”).
  • You can donate the money (cash or check) on or before Purim at the shul.
  • Pledges can be emailed to or phoned in to the rabbi at 781-223-1471 (do not leave any pledges on the synagogue phone number).

All pledges and online donations must be received by the Rabbi no later than 10:00 pm on Thursday, February 25th. Donations in person my be received up until 8:30 am on Friday, February 26th. Please do not wait until the last minute to donate or pledge by email or postal mail, because you risk missing the deadline.

Donate Now

Chanukah Drive-by Gift Giving

Virtual Chanukah Concert

Virtual Chanukah Concert

Word and Song — A Musical Event with Rabbi Shimon Green

Date: Sunday, December 13, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Wherever you have internet access
Cost: Free
Sponsorships Available

Click here to RSVP

A Rabbi Green musical event is a moving and refreshing mélange of word, story and song that communicates a range of feelings, thoughts, and breakthroughs that no single one of those media can communicate on its own.

Rabbi Green’s thoughts and stories are in the language of Torah. His music is in the language of America.

The combination is exhilarating, inspiring and fun.

About Rabbi Green

Rabbi Shimon Green is a Torah educator with a long history of helping students navigate the pathway to becoming talmidei chachamim.

He is Rabbi of Kehillas HaTurim of Phoenix, Arizona, a warm Torah-focused shul where people grow, and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas HaTurim, a yeshiva that is a project of Kehilas HaTurim. Yeshivas HaTurim studies shas and poskim and derives Torah beliefs with the same rigor as it does halacha. The yeshiva is preparing talmidei chachamim who will be capable of disseminating Torah in the impending years, which rabbi Green believes will be particularly challenging to Torah Judaism.
Rabbi Green was formerly Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah in Jerusalem. After building the yeshiva for 22 years, feeling that he had completed his work there, he gave Bircas HaTorah to his students so that he could work on Yeshivas HaTurim, the next step towards the achievement of his Torah goals.

Rabbi Green’s yeshiva classes are designed to de-mystify the study of Talmud through the utilization of clear and precise learning methods that can be reproduced and verified by any diligent student. Faithful to classic gemorra tradition, he interweaves the twin disciplines of shmasasa and agadita into an organic whole that infuses his students with a vision that inspires them to emulate and gradually replicate the outstanding character traits and fear of Heaven that are exemplified by Chazal.

Over the years Rabbi Green has given numerous shiurim and Shabbatonim throughout the United States. His presentations are famous for their depth, clarity, humor, and inspiration.
As an accomplished musician, he has often used the language of music and song to express Torah thoughts and feelings. His most recent albums are available on all the popular music streaming services.

Rabbi Green strives to help every Jew achieve the ecstatic Torah experience that he believes is their birthright, through joyous and deep learning, fervent prayer, personal character development, and total dedication to Torah, the Jewish People, and the service of G-d.

Click here to listen to Rabbi Green on Spotify or find him on any streaming service.

Virtual Thanksgiving Day Lecture

Thanksgiving Day Virtual Breakfast Lecture

Wars, Principles, and Politics: Chanukah Lessons for Our Complex Times

Speaker: Rabbi Moshe Hauer BYOB (Bring Your Own Breakfast)
Date: Thursday, November 26, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Wherever you have internet access
Cost: Free
Sponsorships Available

Click here to RSVP

About Rabbi Hauer

Rabbi Moshe Hauer joined the Orthodox Union (OU) as its Executive Vice President on May 1, 2020. In this role he serves as the organization’s rabbinic leader, heading its communal-oriented efforts and serving as its professional religious/policy leader and primary spokesman.

Prior to joining the OU, Rabbi Hauer served as the senior Rabbi of the Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation in Baltimore, MD for 26 years, where he was a active in local communal leadership in many areas, with an emphasis on education, children-at-risk, and social service organizations serving the Jewish community. Rabbi Hauer is an active teacher of Torah who led a leadership training program for rabbis and communal leaders, and was a founding editor of the online journal Klal Perspectives.

Rabbi Hauer received his rabbinic ordination and doctor of Talmudic law from Ner Israel. He received his master’s of science from John Hopkins University.

Click here to check out samples of Rabbi Hauer’s shiurim.

Program Dedication

This program is dedicated to the memory of Rose Kaminsky and Sydney Gadon by their granddaughters.

Program Sponsorships

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Rabinowitz, as a zechut that Hashem should deliver us soon from the COVID-19 pandemic
Jay & Cheryl Lamport
Daniel & Bonnie Bitran
Garland Family
Arthur RubenStein
Vedol Family