Gun Defense for Men – This Sunday

This Sunday, February 6, from 9:30 am to 10:30 am, will be our next Real World Self Defense: Men’s Krav Maga class. We’ve shifted our focus from basic footwork and strikes to something a bit more exciting: gun defense! And while it’s not something that we hope to need, let’s face it – it’s fun.

Here are some photos from last class:

Disclaimer: There’s a very important fact of which you need to be aware as you start these classes: a few classes do not an expert make. In other words, we recommend against being a hero. You have to start somewhere, and learning the basics is that place. But it takes a lot of training and a lot of practice to become an expert.

Tu B’Shvat Oneg This Week!

8:00 pm

Friday, January 21, 2010

Home of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rabinowitz, 265 Fellsway East in Malden.

You’re invited to come enjoy good friends and great desserts at our monthly oneg Shabbat!

Will we see you there?

Friends and Food at the Oneg Shabbat

8:00 pm

Friday, December 10, 2010

Home of Josh and Tamar Vogel, 46 Maple Street in Malden.

You’re invited to come enjoy good friends and great desserts at our monthly oneg Shabbat!

Will we see you there?

World Series Dreidel Spin Off

We had a blast! Our Chanukah celebration on Wednesday, December 1st, was a hit!

Congratulations to Ariella Bitran on being the Dreidel Champion of the first annual World Series Dreidel Spin-Off!

Kicking it Up at the Men’s Krav Maga class


If I had to sum up yesterday’s men’s krav maga class in one word, that’s what it would be. Awesome. I’ve been training in various martial arts for the better part of half my life, and I don’t impress easily. I can tell what’s practical, what’s sporty, and what’s showy. And this, my friends, falls squarely in the first category.

Dennis Amato, the owner and head instructor of Krav Maga Boston, came and gave us a self defense seminar during the summer. It was fantastic and yet all over the place. We did choke escapes, wrist locks, and to give us a taste for what we could have, he showed us 15 minutes of a 7 hour gun defense seminar.

This was entirely different. As the first in a series of on-going classes, Dennis started us off training a solid foundation – basic footwork, jab, cross, and combinations.

There’s still space available to sign up, and we have 9 more classes in this first session, so if you can make it to the rest of the classes (every other Sunday) then it’ll be less expensive for you to sign up for the whole session at $72 over paying the walk in rate of $10.