Shabbaton Next Week

The United States, Israel, and the War on Terror

Consider yourself invited to a Shabbaton at our shul, 10 Dexter Street in Malden, featuring Dr. David Luchins.

Friday – Saturday, February 25-6, 2011

Friday Night

  • 05:10 PM: Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
  • 08:30 PM: Oneg Shabbat, Lecture Topic – “Why do they hate us?”


  • 08:45 AM: Shacharit
  • 11:30 AM: Luncheon, Lecture, “The US, Israel, and the War on Terror”

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Melave Malka Next Week!

Shifting Sands: What the news from Egypt means for the rest of the world

With President Mubarak’s resignation, the future balance of the Middle East is even more uncertain. Join us at a Melave Malka at our shul, 10 Dexter Street in Malden, and scholar in residence Dr. David Luchins will discuss the global implications of the events in Egypt.

Saturday night, February 26, 2011

8:30 PM

Cost: $10/person before February 23, $12/person on and after February 23.

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The United States, Israel, and the War on Terror – Winter Shabbaton

The United States, Israel, and the War on Terror

Congregation Beth Israel of Malden cordially invites you to a Shabbaton at our shul, 10 Dexter Street in Malden, featuring Dr. David Luchins.
Friday – Saturday, February 25-6, 2011

Friday Night

  • 05:10 PM: Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
  • 08:30 PM: Oneg Shabbat, Lecture Topic – “Why do they hate us?”


  • 08:45 AM: Shacharit
  • 11:30 AM: Luncheon, Lecture, “The US, Israel, and the War on Terror”

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Shifting Sands: What the news from Egypt means for the rest of the world – Melave Malka

Shifting Sands: What the news from Egypt means for the rest of the world

Congregation Beth Israel of Malden cordially invites you to a Melave Malka at our shul, 10 Dexter Street in Malden.

Featuring scholar in residence Dr. David Luchins.

Topic: “Shifting Sands: What the news from Egypt means for the rest of the world”

Saturday night, February 26, 2011

8:30 PM

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Winter Shabbaton/Melave Malka RSVP Form

To complete the registration process, please submit payment either via Paypal below or by sending in a check to:
Congregation Beth Israel
10 Dexter Street
Malden, MA 02148

Please Choose One: