Interest in Malden – A Successful Shabbaton

by: Sharona Vedol

The May 20-21 Discover Malden Shabbaton was a great success, introducing almost 25 visitors to our charming, dynamic suburb of Boston. Our guests came from nearby Brighton as well as the more distant New York and New Jersey, including natives of Illinois, Ohio, and South Africa.

On Friday night, our guests enjoyed a Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by pleasant Shabbat meals and conversation with their host families. There was a full slate of activities planned for Shabbat day.

Shabbat morning began with Shacharit, including a Junior Congregation meeting in the beit midrash, at which the local children welcomed visiting children for tefillah, stories, and parasha. Rabbi Rabinowitz’s talk on Sefirat haOmer was timely and well-received.

At the community luncheon immediately after Musaf, our visitors had an opportunity to interact with the wide variety of people in the Malden community, and friendships were swiftly formed over a delicious meal. Childcare was provided in the downstairs playroom during Rabbi Rabinowitz’s D’var Torah, enabling the children to further their new friendships over play while the adults enjoyed the intellectual stimulation of the rabbi’s speech.

Following lunch, there was a walking tour of the Malden area, showing our visitors a number of important local sites. The tour ended at the Rabinowitz family’s home, with a delicious selection of desserts homemade by Rebbetzin Rabinowitz and animated conversation that extended all the way to the community Seudah Shelishit and board games provided by members of the community. Fast friendships were formed between visitors and locals as well as between the visitors, who were delighted by Malden itself and the Beth Israel community in particular.

We will certainly miss our new friends, but will stay in touch and hope to welcome many of them soon as newly-minted locals!

The community extends its gratitude to Phillip Vedol and Tamar Vogel, co-coordinators of this Discover Jewish Malden Shabbaton, and all of those involved in preparing for it, including but not limited to: Rabbi and Mrs. Rabinowitz, Matthew Garland, Daniel Bitran, Elka Davidoff, Richard Garcia, and Cheryl Lamport.

80 Gather for “Discover Jewish Malden” Shabbaton

Participants Gather for the Conclusion to the Discover Malden Shabbaton

It was quite the week for the Jewish Community of Malden, MA, part of the Greater Boston Jewish Community. We broke ground on our brand-new mikvah, welcomed in several families who are looking to grow their families in one of the most affordable Jewish communities on the east coast, and brought a piece of the New York Jewish experience to Boston by serving Dougie’s Barbeque and Grill at the shul’s largest-ever annual Lag Ba’Omer event.

“The excitement of all who attended was palpable,” said Rabbi Yitzchak Zev Rabinowitz, Beth Israel of Malden’s rabbi.

Many of the participants came for the weekend to learn about all of the wonderful Jewish community aspects and necessities Malden has to offer. Malden is just minutes away from Boston with convenient public transportation to the downtown financial area, and affordable day care for our growing toddler population. We offer tuition subsidies and home loan assistance, transportation to local schools, three daily minyanim, and an expansive eruv that includes many parks.

Young Children Enjoy the Beth Israel Malden's Famous Moon Bounce

As part of the shabbaton, guests were treated to a Carlebach style Kabbalat Shabbat, community luncheon and walking tour of the area.

“We were so glad that we were able to make it for this exciting and educational weekend, and look forward to investigating more how we can make Malden – a great community near Boston – our next home,” said one of the guests.

For more information on how to make Malden, MA your next home, please contact our Executive Director, Matthew Garland at


Lag Ba’Omer and Dougie’s! May 22 – 11 AM

Join all of your friends for a special culinary treat this Lag Ba’Omer! Dougie’s BBQ and Grill is famous for their delicious wings, fire poppers and corn dogs, and we’re bringing them to you! A special treat not only for Malden, but the entire Boston Jewish community. Where else can you get Dougie’s in the area on May 22, let alone any other day of the year???

There will be lots of fun and games and time to spend with your friends; catch up with old ones and make some new ones as well. Come and see everything (parks, convenience, camaraderie, etc.) Malden has to offer!

Date: May 22, 2011 – Lag Ba’Omer 5771

Time: 11 AM – 2 PM

Location: Patchell Park, Malden, MA (only a 20 minute drive from Brookline and Newton!) If raining,UPDATE: The event will be held at Beth Israel Malden, 10 Dexter Street.

Cost: $10/Adult; $5/child; $25 family max (you can’t beat those prices!)

RSVP (by Sunday, May 15): 781-322-5686 x6

Vegetarian options available by request.


Discover Jewish Malden Shabbaton

Are you a family, young couple, or student?

Then you need to know about Jewish Malden, the perfect environment for your and your family’s spiritual growth! Continue reading

Start Your Pesach Cooking Early – Eat Your Shabbat HaGadol Meals With Us!

This year, Passover begins on a Monday night. To make your preparations easier, we are offering meals at the shul on Shabbat HaGadol, April 15 and 16, so you can clean your kitchen and start your Passover cooking before the weekend!

We will be serving a Friday night dinner, Shabbat lunch, and offering a Family Se’udah Shlishit on Shabbat afternoon.

Cost for Friday dinner: $15/adult $8/ages 5-13 $54/family max
Cost for Shabbat lunch: $7/adult $4/ages 5-13 $26/family max

RSVP by April 12 with the form below.