Lazer-tag: A SEED Experience

by Yaakov Marcus

The SEED boys and members of Congregation Beth Israel enjoyed an exhilarating excursion to Laser Zone on Sunday, August 14. In the ensuing spirited battles of laser tag, the tension was palpable as each side dodged intense enemy fire while they cautiously made their way toward the opponent’s base. Both teams dueled heavily for control of the other team’s base and the individual contest of receiving the most points. The SEED boys were continuously astounded by the military prowess demonstrated by some of the members of the shul (they got the highest scores).

There were also many amazing arcade games which were thoroughly enjoyed by all those in attendance. Multiple lively rounds of air hockey were watched by several cheering spectators. This is just one of the many exciting activities we (the SEED boys) have experienced during our (too) short stay in this magnificent community. The kindness and warmth of this exceptional community and the outstanding experience of this summer will not fade quickly from our memories. We would like to thank the entire community for transforming this summer into something we can cherish and treasure for the rest of our lives.

New Year Wine & Cheese Party

When: Saturday night, September 17, at 9:30pm
Where: Young Israel of Brookline, 62 Green Street

Please join B-JOTT (the Boston Jewish Observant Twenties & Thirties group) at our annual New Year Wine & Cheese Party. Welcome new people to town, meet new friends, and re-connect with old friends as the the academic year and Rosh Hashana approaches. In previous years we have had over 100 young observant Bostonians attend, so don’t miss it.

This event is FREE (suggested donation of $5 requested, entitling you to a free raffle ticket). In the charitable spirit of the month of Elul, we will also be selling raffle tickets (win a nice bottle of wine!) to benefit the local Yad Chessed charity.

Please contact with any questions. RSVP in advance, although not required, is requested so that we can prepare a sufficient quantity of food.

B-JOTT was founded in 2008 to provide social opportunities to observant Jews aged ~22-35 in the greater Boston area. This program is supported in part by a Young Adult Community Grant from Combined Jewish Philanthropies.

Mosiac Challah Board Making

Chabad of Brookline Women’s Circle Invites You To join us for the first women’s program of the year, Mosiac Challah Board Making.

Create and design your own challah board in time for Rosh Hashanah & learn about the history of Jews in Europe.

When: Sunday, September 18, 2011 Elul 19, 5771 at 7:00 PM

Where: The Zimble Residence, 282 Kent Street, Brookline, MA

Cost: $10, or free for Women’s Circle Members ($100 for yearly membership, can be paid in 2 payments of $50)

RSVP is required to guarantee materials


A Project of Chabad of Brookline

Project SEED – Malden’s Summer Kollel, August 4 – 18

Learning Torah is a gift. MAKE IT YOURS.

Arrange a study session with a yeshiva student from the Philadelphia Yeshiva, at Congregation Beth Israel from August 4 – 18, to learn one-on-one and in groups, during the week in the mornings and evenings, and on Shabbat.

Click here to get more information or to set up a time to learn. Small group learning available for ladies upon request.

Special SEED Events

  • Luncheon – Saturday, August 6, 11:30 am
  • Ladies’ classes – Saturdays, August 6 and 13, 4:45 pm at the home of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rabinowitz, 265 Fellsway East. “Parenting – An Obligation and an Art” Parts 1 & 2, by Rebbetzin Rabinowitz

Support Torah Study, and share in the spiritual reward as if you had studied it yourself.

Support the SEED Program with a sponsorship, and the learning done during your sponsorship will be in your name or the name of the person of your choice.

  • Chai – $18
  • Double Chai – $36
  • Triple Chai – $54
  • Donor – $72
  • Benefactor – $108
  • Luncheon – $144
  • Day of learning – $180
  • Week of learning – $540

The names of all sponsors will be posted throughout the SEED Program, and for each day of learning, announced prior to the study sessions.

Click here to pledge to support Torah study with a SEED sponsorship, or make a donation with the Paypal button on the right (be sure to put “SEED Donation” and any other relevant information in the notes section when filling out the Paypal form)

A Successful Groundbreaking Ceremony

(Cross post from

A large crowd  gathered at Congregation Beth Israel yesterday to celebrate the groundbreaking for our mikvah. Many leaders of the Jewish community attended, including the Bostoner Rebbe, who spoke, Rosh Kollel Rabbi Naftali Bier, Rabbi Avraham Halbfinger, and many other distinguished rabbanim, as well as many friends of the Malden community from Greater Boston. Malden’s Mayor, Richard Howard, joined the ceremony, as did John Matheson, candidate for City Counselor for our ward.

The large assembly crowded onto the balcony overlooking the former pool area, and around the fenced-off construction site, for the ceremony. Rabbi Rabinowitz, the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Israel, began the ceremony with Psalm 130. Mayor Howard said a few congratulatory words to the congregation. We were honored with some words from the Bostoner Rebbe. The president of the congregation, Jay Lamport, spoke after the Bostoner Rebbe, followed by Matthew Garland, and Rabbi Rabinowitz.

“I’m very happy that everyone in the community works as a group and pitches in, and people take on roles and do things,” said Sam Goldberg, 1st Vice President of the synagogue and Chair of the Mikvah Committee. “And I think even though we’re a small group we’re doing quite a great job at making the community grow and making projects like this happen. Thanks to everybody who helped.”

Our photos are included below. The photographer’s pictures will be available G-d Willing at the end of the week, and you will be able to view them as a slideshow when they are up.


Rabbi Rabinowitz leads the assembly in Psalm 130 to begin the ceremony.

Lev Novikov, the Master of Ceremonies, introduces the important aspects of Mikvah in the opening remarks.

Grand Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Yehuda HaLevi Horowitz, the Bostoner Rebbe, delivers his remarks.