Shacharit for the Fast of Gedalia, Wednesday, September 19, is at 6:40 am. The schedule is as follows:
- 05:17 am – Fast Begins
- 06:40 am – Shacharit and Selichot
- 06:15 pm – Mincha
- 07:15 pm – Ma’ariv
- 07:28 pm – Fast Ends
Shacharit for the Fast of Gedalia, Wednesday, September 19, is at 6:40 am. The schedule is as follows:
Kollel of Greater Boston and Young Israel of Brookline Present:
Annual Yomim Noraim Lecture
“The Power of One”
Guest Lecturer: Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro
Rabbi Shapiro is a world-renowned speaker who has inspired thousands of people through his lectures. For the past 14 years, he has been the Rav of Congregation Shaaray Tefilah, in North Miami Beach, Florida.
Sunday September 9, 2012 8:00PM
Young Israel of Brookline
62 Green Street
Men and Women Invited
Admission Free
Sponsored by The Zimble Family
In Loving Memory of Dr. Stanley Bauer and Mr. Carl Zimble
To print this schedule, click here to go directly to the post, and then press ctrl-P (Windows) or cmd-P (Mac) to print it.
Arrange a study session at Congregation Beth Israel with a yeshiva student from Yeshivas Yesodai HaTorah (in Lakewood, NJ), from July 22 August 5, to learn one-on-one and in groups, during the week in the mornings and evenings, and on Shabbat.
Click here to email Rabbi Rabinowitz for more information or to set up a time to learn. Small group learning available for ladies upon request.
Support the SEED Program with a sponsorship, and the learning done during your sponsorship will be in your name or the name of the person of your choice.
Chai – $18
Double Chai – $36
Triple Chai – $54
Donor – $72
Benefactor – $108
Luncheon – $144
Day of learning – $180
Week of learning – $540
The names of all sponsors will be posted throughout the SEED Program, and for each day of learning, announced prior to the study sessions.
Click here to pledge to support Torah study with a SEED sponsorship.
Join us on Sunday, May 13 to celebrate Lag B’Omer!
Enjoy an easy hike in the beautiful Fells Reservation with your family and friends
Everyone is welcome to attend!
If you will need to join a carpool to the hike site, please email us no later than Friday, May 11. The site of the hike will be Bellevue Pond in the Lynns Fells Reservation. It is off of South Border Road, Just past the I-93 and Rte 28 rotary.