Bet Midrash Night at Beth Israel Malden

Bet Midrash Night comes to Malden! Rabbi Akiva Posy of the Boston Kollel will lead a Gemara Seder in the shul library with chavruta learning, followed by a shiur on the subject material presented in the chavruta learning.

Date: Wednesday, November 14

Time: Chavruta learning at 8:00 pm, shiur to follow. Maariv will be at 9:00 pm.

Rabbi Posy will bring copies of the Gemara we’ll be using.

Thanks go to Rabbi Rabinowitz and the Programming Committee for to organizing this project.

B-JOTT Shabbaton in Malden

Shabbat, November 16/17

B-JOTT, the Boston Jewish Observant Twenties & Thirties group, is an organization dedicated to providing social and educational events for the observant Jewish young adult (22-35) population of greater Boston. It is funded in part by a grant from the Young Adult Task Force of CJP, and works in cooperation with several local synagogues and other Jewish institutions.

Join a lively group of observant young adults (ages 22-35) to experience Shabbat in our community.


  • Shabbat dinner with shul families
  • Oneg
  • Communal Luncheon (organized by B-JOTT)
  • Communal Se’udah Shlishit, with B-JOTT supplementing the shul’s regular Se’udah Shlishit options
  • Motzei Shabbat Bowling

Lunch Menu

  • Grilled Chicken Breast on the bed of greens with lemon/parsley dressing
  • Russian potato salad
  • Moroccan Eggplant salad
  • Israeli Couscous with Chicken Peas and Cranberries salad
  • Pastries/Fruit for desert

Please respond to by November 11.

Cost: $18/person, $36/family. If cost is an issue, please contact Executive Director, Matthew Garland.

This event is sponsored, in part, by a grant from the Young Adult Task Force of CJP.

B-JOTT Wine & Cheese Welcome Party

Please join B-JOTT at their annual Wine & Cheese Welcome Party. Welcome new people to town, meet new friends, and re-connect with old friends as you taste interesting kosher wine, cheese, chocolate, crackers, chips, etc. and listen to live swing/rag-time/blues/klezmer music. This is an excellent opportunity to meet young observant Jews (aged 22-35) from all around the Boston area.

Date: Saturday, November 3

Time: 09:00 pm – 11:30 pm

Location: Young Israel of Brookline, 62 Green Street (Brookline)

Please contact with any questions or to RSVP (RSVP appreciated though not required). You can also RSVP on their Facebook event page.

B-JOTT has been providing social opportunities to observant Jews aged 22-35 in the greater Boston area since 2008. This program is supported in part by a Young Adult Community Grant from Combined Jewish Philanthropies.

L’Eylah – Torah Seminars for Women

Torah Seminars for Women
A Project of Bais Yaakov of Boston
Expanding Your Knowledge. Enriching Your Life.

L’Eylah Fall Semester 5773

Monday, October 29th — Friday, November 30th*

(*Please note some courses will extend due to Thanksgiving break.)

All courses to be held at Bais Yaakov of Boston 198 Strathmore Road, Brighton MA. Parking lot entrance is on Chestnut Hill Avenue. Enter building on Strathmore Road.

Cost per course:
Non-Members: $50 • Members: $25
Annual Membership: $100
Membership benefits include free admission to video presentations and 1-day seminars and 50% discount on all courses and Women’s Day.

Phone: Bais Yaakov of Boston office: 617-254-7547

Wednesday 9:15-10:15 AM
Pirkei Avos

An interactive, in-depth analysis of selections from Pirkei Avos/Ethics of our Fathers.
This class is appropriate for all levels.
Mrs. Peninah Rosengard

Friday 9:00-10:00 AM
Parshas HaShavua

Explore themes and lessons in the weekly Parsha.
This class is appropriate for all levels.
Mrs. Yehudis Solomon
*Course dates: Nov. 2, 9, 16,
30 & Dec. 7

Monday 7:30-8:30 PM
Tefillah and the Shemoneh Esrei

This course will focus on the meaning of the Shemoneh Esrei and how to connect more deeply through prayer.
This class is appropriate for all levels.
Mrs. Michal Blumberg

Tuesday 8:00-9:00 PM
Hilchos Shabbos

Detailed Review of the laws pertaining to muktzah and borer.
This class is appropriate for all levels.
Rabbi Dovid Kappel

Wednesday 8:00-9:00 PM
Navi Yeshaya

An in-depth textual analysis of selections from Sefer Yeshaya.
This is an advanced skills class.
Mrs. Dena Esther Levin
*Course dates: Oct. 31, Nov. 7, 14, 28, and Dec. 5

Rabbi Yosef Berger – Yom Iyun at the Boston Kollel

Yom Iyun – Kollel of Greater Boston

“Borrowing and Lending for Businessman and Layman:

The Laws of Ribbis – Charging Interest”

Rabbi Yosef Berger
Rav, Kehilas Kol Torah, Baltimore, Maryland
Faculty, Ner Israel Rabbinical College

Sunday, November 4, 2012

09:30 – 10:30 a.m. Chavrusa study with Kollel Rabbis
10:30 – 11:15 a.m. Shiur by Rabbi Berger, followed by questions and answers

Specific questions may be e-mailed in advance to

Kollel of Greater Boston
62 Cummings Road, Brighton, Massachusetts