Dr. David Luchins gave a talk at our Melave Malka last Saturday night, called “Shifting Sands: What the news from Egypt means for the rest of the World”. It was exciting, it was interesting, and it was a lot of fun. With Dr. Luchins’ permission, I recorded his lecture and uploaded it. Unfortunately, I had to cut it up into a number of parts due to length restrictions on YouTube. However, I have embedded all of the videos below, and I invite you to watch, enjoy, and comment.
[youtube 2yeAN89U–k nolink]
[youtube kGol-L-HNHc nolink]
[youtube 0jI5UnKK7Xg nolink]
[youtube 8prYYhu65-o nolink]
[youtube jKe-BSFYAcI nolink]
[youtube wILgllc5Z7w nolink]