Purim Schedule
Thursday, March 13 – Fast of Esther/Purim Night
- 05:47 am – Fast begins
- If you will be eating baked food over which we make the blessing of ‘Borei Minei Mezonot” you must begin eating prior to 30 minutes before the fast begins.
- 06:40 am – Shacharit
- 06:15 pm – Mincha
- 07:20 pm – Ma’ariv
- 07:31 pm – Fast Ends
- Please refrain from eating until after the Megillah reading.
- 07:40 pm – Megillah Reading
- Remember to repeat kriat shema after 07:40 pm
- 08:30 pm – Break-Fast
- 09:15 pm – 2nd Megillah Reading
Friday, March 14 – Purim Day
- 06:40 am – Shacharit
- 07:25 am – Megillah Reading
- 08:15 am – Breakfast- Hamantashen and coffee
- There is no brunch at the Rabbi’s home this year.
- All pledges and online donations for matanot la’evyonim must be received by the Rabbi no later than 10:00 AM.
- 09:00 am – 2nd Megillah Reading
- No 3rd Megillah Reading
- 12:00 pm – 01:30 pm – Purim Se’udah
- Although we typically avoid large meals late on Erev Shabbat, a seudat mitzvah, such as a Purim Seudah or Brit Milah, may be held at any time on Friday. However, to ensure an appetite for the Shabbat meal, it is preferable to begin the Seudah by washing for Hamotzi before Chatzot (halachic midday, which will be 12:53 PM). If that time passes, the next best option is to start at the tenth halachic hour (which will be 4:28 PM). If even that is missed, one is still permitted, and obligated, to begin the Seudah.
(Some have the custom to start late in the afternoon and extend the Seudah into Shabbat, which has its own set of halachot.) - 06:30 pm – Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat, Ma’ariv
- 06:31 pm – Candle Lighting