High Holiday 5781 Appeal for Rabbi’s Pulpit Fund

אם רואה אדם שמזונותיו מצומצמין יעשה מהן צדקה (גיטין ז עמוד א)

If a person sees that his sustenance is limited he should use it for charity. (Talmud, Gittin 7A)

Huh? If his sustenance is limited doesn’t he need it for himself? This can be explained with the following story.

A very simple minded person who had never used the services of the post office before needed to send a package to his friend in a distant location. His local friends told him to take it to a place called the post office . There they send packages to anywhere in the world. They told him that the way you pay for it is by buying things called stamps and putting them on the package. So he bought stamps, stuck them on the package and brought it to the counter of the post office.

The clerk told him that they can’t mail his package.

“Why not?”, he asked.

“It weighs too much to be sent as is. You need more stamps,” said the clerk.

“More stamps?” the man said quizzically.. “But that will make it heavier!”

Giving Tzedaka when things are tight doesn’t create more difficulties. Rather it’s the stamps for our packages of prayers and supplications to reach the Almighty’s Throne of Glory.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us financially. But now is the time to give Tzedaka so that the Almighty will have mercy on us and bring us back to a time of good health, prosperity, and real personal connection with one another.

During the High Holiday season leading into the holy Kol Nidrei night of Yom Kippur we hold our annual appeal for the Rabbi’s Pulpit Fund, the charity arm of our synagogue. Last year we distributed over $18,000 in funds from the Kol Nidrei appeal and other contributions that came throughout the year. This money is used to assist those in need with their rent, bills, food, and medications.

Our goal for this year is to raise 1000x CHAI, $18,000 from this appeal alone.

Please open your hearts and help us reach our goal.

May the Almighty bless you with a happy, healthy, prosperous, and sweet new year.

Shana Tova!