Passover 5783

Rabbi Rabinowitz is available to arrange for this important contract following weekday morning and evening services, or by appointment. If you are unable to come in person you can use the form linked below or call the Rabbi to make arrangements.

All the forms on a single page for Passover. On this page, you can:

  • Contribute to Ma’ot Chitin
  • Sell your chametz
  • Download the Halacha Guidebook and Product Supplement

Get Ready for Pesach

Pre-Pesach Program 5783

Sunday, March 26, 2023, 11am – 1pm
Decorate your own afikoman bag & matzah cover.

When: 11am – 1pm
Where: 10 Dexter St, Malden, MA
Cost: $5 per child (children under age 4 need an accompanying adult)

RSVP by March 23

Pesachdik refreshments will be served.

Yes, I’m Coming

Purim 5783

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 5:00pm
Join us for a festive Purim Seudah.

When: 5:00pm
Where: 10 Dexter St, Malden, MA
Cost: $10 kids (ages 3-12), $20 adults, $60 family max

Yes, I’m Coming

Matanot L’Evyonim

On Purim day, men and women are obligated in the mitzvah of Matanot L’Evyonim (charity to the poor).

The minimum requirement is to give a gift of money to two poor people, each receiving his own gift.

The poor must receive it on Purim day. If there are no poor locally, you can deliver the charity on Purim day through a messenger, or set aside on Purim day two gifts of money you can give to the poor when the opportunity arises. To help you fulfill this mitzvah, Rabbi Rabinowitz will make sure that the funds are distributed on Purim day.

(Matanot L’Evyonim is not ma’ot chitin, which is the Passover charity fund for the needy.)

You can make your donation a number of ways:

  • Donate through the website.
  • Donate the money (cash or check) on or before Purim at the shul.
  • If you cannot do any of the above make  pledge for matanot l’evyonim to or by phone to 781-223-1471 (do not leave your pledge on the synagogue voice mail) and then send in your donation. Mark it as “Matanot L’evyonim” or “Purim Charity”.

All pledges and online donations must be received by the Rabbi no later than 10:00 am on Tuesday, March 7thPlease do not wait until the last minute to donate or pledge by email or postal mail, because you risk missing the deadline. If you need further assistance, please call the Rabbi.

Machatzit HaShekel

The giving of Machatzit Hashekel is fulfilled by donating $1.50. The practice of purchasing the three half dollars is customary. Bring $1.50 when you come to Shul. If you want to purchase the three half dollar coins, hand sanitizer will be available to do so. Otherwise just put $1.50 into the collection plate.

Annual Chanukah Dinner 5783 (UPDATED)

Monday, December 19th, 2022 at 6pm
Join us for our Annual Chanukah Celebration, featuring Brunch for Dinner and Games!

$12 / adult
$6 / child (age 5-12)
$36 / family max

Yes, I’m Coming

5782 Sefer Torah Dedication: You’re Invited!

Sunday, November 6, 2022
You are invited to the dedication of The Young Israel of Malden Commemorative Sefer Torah. The writing of the final letters will be 12:30pm – 1:30pm followed by an outdoor procession, escorting the new Torah to the Aron Kodesh, and celebratory reception.