Parshat Vayeshev 5773 Schedule

Shabbat Mevarchim/Erev Chanukah

Shabbat Schedule

Friday, December 7

  • 03:50 pm – Mincha
  • 03:53 pm – Candle lighting
  • 08:00 pm – Men’s Derech Hashem Class

Saturday, December 8

  • 07:45 am – Shacharit at Salem Towers
  • 08:45 am – Shacharit
  • 09:18 am – Latest time for Kriat Shema
  • 10:30 am – Jr. Congregation
  • 11:15 am – Kiddush
  • 03:30 pm – Mincha and Se’udah Shlishit
  • 04:50 pm – Ma’ariv
  • 05:01 pm – Shabbat Ends/Chanukah Begins (At home, remember to light your Chanukah candles after making Havdallah).

Weekday Schedule

December 9 – 14


  • 08:00 am – Sunday
  • 06:40 am – Monday – Friday (Chanukah)

Early Mincha/Ma’ariv

  • 03:55 pm/04:25 pm – Sunday ONLY

Late Ma’ariv

  • 09:00 pm – Monday – Thursday
  • To confirm the late minyan for ma’ariv on any given day, please contact the shul.

To print this schedule, click here to go directly to the post, and then press ctrl-P (Windows) or cmd-P (Mac) to print it.

Weekly Words of Torah

The External and Internal Sides of Yosef

Insights into Parshat Vayeshev of Ram emeritus, Rav Moshe Ganz of Yeshivat Sha’alvim, published in the recent volume, Pnei Shabbat, by Rav Re’uven Ungar of Yeshivat Sha’alvim.

Rashi quotes Chazal who portray Yosef as exercising juvenile behavior-particularly in regards to his external appearance-in the home that he was raised and in the house of Potiphar.

This behavior fostered unpleasant consequences. The public recounting of his dreams led to the enmity of his brothers. Focusing on his physical appearance, especially while his father Yaakov Avinu was in agony over his supposed demise, led to the trial with Potiphar’s wife.

Yet, the story with the wife of Potiphar reveals a strong character who did not sway from his moral code. Day after day, Yosef resisted her advances- despite her being the wife of his employer, and he, a lonely person in a foreign society, removed from his family. It is quite amazing, that a person who we previously recognized as a lad, prone to juvenile behavior, is in actuality Yosef the Tzaddik!

This teaches us that we must not focus on the vessel, rather, on its contents. Even if a person- unfortunately- acts impulsively, a sacred soul may rest beneath, capable of performing wonderful actions. Yes, a difficult exterior and a righteous inner world can co-exist.

At times we meet youth who in their external appearance appear removed from seriousness and depth. It is forbidden to steadfastly adhere to this impression; substantial reserves of good may be present. It is incumbent to strive to reveal it.

We should apply this message to ourselves as well. Even if a person encounters personal weakness in various fields, he should not take lightly his own innate spiritual powers. He should believe in himself, because he possesses a sacred neshama. Precisely with such trust in oneself is the person capable of confronting his weaknesses. The person should state “I am a prince who is made up of good stones” (Rav Nachman of Breslov).

However, it most be noted that while the greatness of Yosef is apparent it does not detract the criticism of his excessive attention to his physical appearance!